About Us
We are a small group of people that develop WinSLAMM mostly because we enjoy it. We do the majority of the development of the program after work (after our "day jobs") and on the weekends. Our "day jobs" do not have an interest in the program - we simply use the program where we work. If you contact us during your normal working hours, please be patient. We will respond to your question/request as soon as we can.

Bob Pitt, P.E, PhD., has been at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and then at Tuscaloosa since 1987. Prior to that, he was a senior engineer for 15 years in industry and government, including at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. He continues to consult with many municipalities and government agencies. Dr. Pitt has also taught workshops and was guest lecturer at several universities. He teaches courses in drainage design, water supply, hydrology, hydraulics, field sampling and experimental design, and a series on construction site erosion control and stormwater management. His main area of research is the integration of hydrology and water quality issues, especially related to urban runoff. Bob has published more than 100 chapters, books, journal articles, and major research reports and is a Diplomat of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and is a registered engineer in the State of Wisconsin.
WinSLAMM is largely based on Dr. Pitt's research, including his PhD work conducted in Toronto in small storm hydrology and sources of stormwater pollutants.

John Voorhees, P.E., P.H., has been a water resources, environmental, or stormwater engineer in both the public and private sectors since 1989. He has worked with the Wisconsin Departments of Natural Resources and Transportation as well as a consulting engineer for AECOM, JJR and Warzyn (in Madison, WI), and OTAK (in Seattle, WA). He has also taught, with Dr. Pitt, urban water quality-related workshops for the University of Wisconsin, the University of Minnesota, and the New York and Wisconsin Departments of Transportation.
John has written the software for WinSLAMM and WinDETPOND and developed many of the model algorithms. He also manages software distribution.