Water Resources Engineering

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Course Material

Course Portfolio Advice

Introduction (CHIN pgs 1 - 9)

Module 1 - Historical Urban Water Systems

Dickens The Water Drops

Review of Conservation Principles

Module 2 - Basic Principles of Fluids

Flow in Closed Conduits (CHIN pgs 10 - 40)

Module 3a - Continuity, Momentum and Energy (Bernoulli)

Module 3b - Darcy Weisbach

Module 3c - Hazen Williams

Module 3d - Manning

Module 3e - Comparison of methods

Module 3 - Pipe Sizing Comparison HW

Pipe Networks (CHIN pgs 40 - 48; 64 - 89)
Water use and water distribution system design (CHIN pgs 116 - 133)

Module 4a - Water demand

Module 4b - Water distribution system design

Module 4c - Introduction to EPANET

EPANET2 example class version

Pump performance and selection (CHIN 48 - 64)

Module 5 - Pumps and storage

Flow in open channels (CHIN pgs 97 - 127; 127 - 145; 202 - 231) Fundamental Principles Channel Design Methods

Module 6 - Channel Stability

Module 6a - Mannings specific energy

Module 6b - Water surface profiles

Introduction to HEC-RAS

Module 6c - Design of stable open channels

Module 6d - Design of channels and habitat issues

Module 6e - Stream buffers and land development

Design of sanitary sewers (CHIN pgs 231 - 255)

Module 7 - Sanitary sewer design

Probability and statistical methods (CHIN pgs 271 - 328)

Module 8 - Probability and statistics

Surface water hydrology (CHIN pgs 334 - 424) Design storms and IDF curves Rainfall abstractions Peak flow estimations Hydrographs and flow routing

Module 9a - Rainfall and runoff introduction

Module 9b - Runoff calculations with WinTR55

Module 9c1 - WinTR55 for lab

Module 9c2 - WinTR55 ponds document

Module 9d - M9d Detention Pond Design with routing.pdf

Design of storm sewer systems (CHIN pgs 479 - 541)

Module 10a - Storm sewer system design

Module 10b - Gutters and inlet design

Module 10c - Getting started with SWMM5 storm and sanitary documents

Module 10d - Sediment movement in sewers

Culvert design (CHIN pgs 185 - 202)

Module 11 - Culvert hydraulics


Tuscaloosa 10yr 24hr Rain Data

Tuscaloosa 4 Months Rain Data

M4 Household Water Budget Homework

M4 In class water distribution system design

M4 Water Distribution Project Assignment

M6 Open Channel Flow and Stream Classifications lab problem

M7 Sanitary Sewer Design Project Project Assignment

M8 3 Cycle log normal prob paper

M8 Normal probability paper

M8 Probability and Statistics Homework Problem

M9 Hydro and pond homework project

M10 Drainage system project final exam