Urban Water Systems

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Module 1 - Historical Review of Urban Water Drainage

Module 2 - Water Use and Conservation

Module 3 - Human Health Rish Assessments of Urban Wet Weather Flows

Module 4 - Evaluating the Beneficial Uses of Stormwater using the Source Loading and Management Model (WinSLAMM)

Module 5 - Surface and Groundwater Interactions

Module 6 - The Beneficial Uses of Stormwater in Urban Areas and the Need for Change in Urban Water Management

Module 7 - Working with Projects: A Step-by-Step Guide to EPANET Simulations

Module 8 - Overall Drainage Design Approach

Module 9 - The Integration of Urban Water Systems Modeling and Analysis

Assignment - Term Project Assignment

Case Studies of Water Management Systems (Student Presentations)

  1. Kenya
  2. Singapore
  3. Tokyo and Beijing
  4. Decision Analysis
  5. Implementing Decision Analysis Framework on E.coli Problem in Lake Tuscaloosa Lake Tuscaloosa
  6. Water Problems in the Middle East
  7. Water Problems in the Middle East
  8. Water use and drainage in Colombia
  9. Water Issues In India
  10. Irrigation in Alabama
  11. Limestone County Water & Sewer Authority
  12. Drinking Water Problem in Nepal